
Understanding Moral Injury: What Can We Do?

Moral Injury is a wound to the soul that violates one’s deeply held sense of right and wrong. It can lead to homelessness, drug addiction, and a broken spirit. Watch to see how VOA is taking steps to address and help those with moral injury.

Virtual Tour: Home Start

Take a look at one of VOA’s newest programs providing emergency shelter and permanent supportive housing to those in Placer County. Click here to learn more.

Virtual Tour: Meadowview Navigation Center

Thanks to you and our partners at SHRA, there is a shelter where women living on the streets can find a safe place to sleep and receive 3 meals a day. It is also a workplace for Saprincea. Saprincea experienced homelessness, drug abuse, and mental illness but she fiercely fought to get her life back. Now that she has found healing, she wants to help other women do the same. Her knowledge of the trauma women experience on the streets and her compassion for them is remarkable.

Virtual Tour: The Village on Sage Street

Take a look at how the Village on Sage Street got started, how it is helping bridge the gap for Reno’s low income neighbors, and hear from Richard who has lived at Sage Street for one year now.

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