You can share your warmth with seniors like Connie.
Connie’s childhood in rural Michigan was filled with hardship. Her parents had just endured the Depression and worked tirelessly to provide for the family. “Times were really tough, but my parents did whatever they could to get by,” Connie recalled.
At 19, Connie married and soon had several children. “Unfortunately, the steel industry strikes made it difficult for my husband to find steady work. We decided our best option was to pack up and move out West where there were more jobs.”
After they settled in their new home in Reno, Connie’s marriage dissolved, leaving her a single mother. Though overwhelmed, Connie remained resilient. “It was difficult, but we managed,” she said with a smile.
To make ends meet, Connie worked long hours managing the cash register at Sears. She also relied on food stamps and welfare assistance.
“Without that help, I don’t know how we could have survived,” she admitted. As her kids grew older, Connie found it impossible to save any money for retirement. “It was all I could do to keep the lights on and put food on the table each day.”
When Connie got too old to work, her small savings quickly disappeared. She stayed with her oldest son’s family for a few years, but missed having her own space. “I appreciated their hospitality, but longed for my own apartment.” Her dream of independence seemed financially out of reach.
That’s when Connie discovered VOA’s senior living apartments. She gratefully moved into her cozy new home, finally able to live independently on her limited income. Her apartment filled up with treasured mementos − photos of family, craft projects, and paintings from her son. She tends a garden, nurturing tomatoes and basil before joining friends in the community room for Bingo.
For seniors like Connie, having a warm space of their own means everything. You can provide other seniors in your community with housing just like Connie. Your gift can put a smile on the face of another senior who just needs a place of their own.
“After a lifetime of barely scraping by, I’m finally home,” said Connie contently. “I’ve been happily living here at VOA for twenty years now and plan to stay for the rest of my days.”