Transitional Housing for Veterans
The Transitional Housing for Veterans program assists veterans in increasing their income, moving into permanent housing, and accessing medical, dental, mental health, and other services
The program offers 80 beds for both men and women for an average length of stay of six months as they work towards removing the barriers they face to allow them placement in permanent housing as rapidly or as appropriate for their needs and progress.
The program offers temporary housing while assisting clients with locating permanent housing, employment, and other supportive services that will increase both earned and benefits income and allow them to return to the community and sustain their independence.
Wraparound Services Provided
- Temporary Transitional Housing
- Balanced Meals
- Case Management
- Assistance with Accessing Benefits
- Employment Services
- Permanent housing search assistance
- Support addressing housing barriers
- Credit repair and financial literacy
- Community resourcing and linkage
- There is no income required to apply or be accepted.
- 290’s and Bad Conduct Discharge by General Court Martial are automatic disqualifiers.
- While the majority of the program serves individuals, couples (two-person adult families) are assessed on a case by case basis.
How to Apply
Download the application form here.
Completed forms can be emailed to: egarcia@voa-ncnn.org, faxed to: (916) 706-3457, or dropped off at: 10630 Schirra Ave, Mather CA 95655.

Transitional Housing for Families
Volunteers of America Family Services is a transitional housing program for homeless families
Our transitional housing program for women and children provides homeless families a safe environment for their children and themselves to live while they seek permanent housing and employment. Services include individual and group counseling by dedicated case managers, life-skills and parenting classes, and referrals for permanent housing.
“When I leave here I’ll have my pride, my dignity, and my life back.”